Wee Bundles Custom Handmade Preemie Dolls
Preemie Dolls

Album 1 - Doll pictures

Album 1 - Doll pictures | Album 2 - Kids with their dolls

Preemie Doll
22-24 week dolls
Preemie Doll Preemie Doll Preemie Doll
15 weeks, 4.5"
peach fabric
pink hat and booties Dark brown skin color
Preemie Doll Preemie Doll
22 week, painted face
tan fabric
26 week, peach fabric
Preemie Doll Preemie Doll
peach fabric, sculpted face 13.5 inch, peach fabric

Album 1 - Doll pictures | Album 2 - Kids with their dolls
Premature Babies